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NRM Board releases draft business plan

The Northern and Yorke Natural Resources Management Board’s three-year draft business plan has been released for public consultation.The board works with communities to manage soil,...

Same, yet different, ceremony for our Remembrance Day

The birds twittered in the trees, the flagpoles had a distinctive slap of their ropes and the smelter’s siren blew at 11 o’clock.It was...

Swimmers covered up at beach

Men and women led truly separate lives when they went down to the water at Solomontown Beach many years ago.Two jetties jutted into the...

The age of miracles is still alive in Crystal Brook

The age of miracles is alive and well. Recently, we were astounded to be told that the Crystal Brook RSL branch had decided to adopt...

Battle lines over pool in backyard

Battle lines have been drawn over a $350 building permit needed for a temporary backyard swimming pool in Risdon Park.Debra Haldane and Rohan Martyr...

Hall of Fame, Legend titles for Bulldogs

Geof Keane, Midge Johnson and Hughie Murphy represent the best of Port Football Club.Keane and Johnson have been inducted as members of the club’s...

Fireys home after US stint

Ian Hunter today welcomed home three South Australian firefighters from a five-week stint fighting wildfires in the United States. Minister Hunter said the men were...

Rusty poles ‘no danger’

Fears have been raised about the safety of rusty light towers in Solomontown.Risdon Park resident Stephen Webber told The Recorder that up to a...

Vietnam’s heroes

The people who Dean Ryder and Frank Gordon put their lives on the line for have responded 50 years later by bestowing rare citations.Mr...

Praise for two major events

Mayor John Rohde praised the organisers of the Come Back to Warnertown event and the Lions District Convention.“It was great to catch up with some...

Business to send welcome

The 2025 Masters Games are set to bring excitement and opportunity to Port Augusta, welcoming athletes of all skill levels and boosting the local...