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Scent with love

You can call him a Moodle, but Maxi is more of a football hound than a catwalk canine.The white Maltese-Poodle-cross turns five years old today...

The grandeur of creation

What a wonderful world we live in.We have every reason to gasp in amazement as we contemplate the grandeur of creation and let our...

Helpers in good health

Many people have followed their conscience and found that it leads to helping others at the Port Pirie hospital.About 60 volunteers from various walks...

Pirie East school celebrations

AT THE Pirie East School centenary celebrations for the old scholars of Pirie East Primary School, Mr Vic Hannan spoke of the early days...

Bid for university for Pirie

Young people in Port Pirie and the Upper Spencer Gulf may one day be taking tertiary degrees at a new university.Known as a “community-owned educational...

University plan for Port Pirie

Young people in Port Pirie and the Upper Spencer Gulf may one day be taking tertiary degrees at a new university.Known as a “community-owned educational...

Port Pirie’s terror-fic night

Two thousand Port Pirieans braved a ghastly scene of spiderwebs and skeletons at this year's Caputo's Halloween.There were 600 lolly bags prepared for the event's fourth year of terrifying the...

Bill’s prized plant wins

The guest speaker for the October meeting was Kevin and Helen Gurney of Adelaide.  It was a real treat as Kevin showed pictures of...

Pirie to reflect on Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day is fast approaching, giving time to reflect and acknowledge those who have served our country.The Port Pirie branch of the Returned Services...

Funds for mining venture

REGION - Magnetite Mines has secured up to $7 million funding in the form of unsecured Convertible Notes from US-based fund manager Capital Partners,...