Seven stars shine on tropical trip
Dollars and goals were scored by the Seven to Fiji, a group of junior soccer players who travelled to the tropics.Despite the challenges of cost and...
Medicinal cannabis reform
A Bill legalising medicinal cannabis across Australia was tabled in Federal Parliament and has garnered support from many people. Resident Dianah Mieglich is an advocate for country communities and supporter...
Flush of criticism
Port Pirie’s new foreshore toilet block is flushing money down the drain, according to a former councillor.David Haldane said he had been a plumber...
Bingo for wishes
The Port Pirie branch of Make-A-Wish will be holding a bingo night at the Port Pirie Sporting and Community Club, Broadway Road, on February...
Mosquito problem
The mosquito problem is increasing. Council started its third round of spraying treatment for the 2015-16 mosquito season, with 28 locations around Pirie being identified for...
Stage is set for $4m boost
Good financial management has led St Mark’s College to embark on new developments worth about $4 million.Without charging higher frees, other than for inflation,...
Ladgrove’s music makes global waves
For any Australian musician, it’s hard to gain recognition and airplay in America. But local resident Rod Ladgrove has seen success in the United States,...
Two art-forms collide in exhibition
A new art gallery exhibition embracing textile art with the written word is now showing at the Port Pirie Regional Art Gallery.‘Time After Time’...
Quick thoughts for ex-sprinter
Turning 98 last Friday, Lorna Allchurch had a quick thought about her sprinting career.In fact, it was very speedy – she won the 100-yard women’s gift...
Hub design evolving
The Port Pirie Regional Council has called for detailed design tenders for the Port Pirie Regional Sporting Complex.The tender has now been released and...